Empower the Future of Your Business

Use psychometric tests and our unique report to accurately evaluate the applicants

Do you trust your employee?

Have you had some scary incidents when employing people?

Do you want to successfully navigate this new shapeshifting business landscape marked by constant uncertainty?

It would help to have a workforce you could trust with the utmost certainty and the flexibility to grow and adapt constantly.

Appoint and promote the right people the first time!

The future of your business lies in your employees, the people you appoint and how you handle your current employees.

EmployInsight can assist you in achieving all of that and enhance your human mitigation strategy with quantifiable scientific results that are transparent and repeatable.

Unique interpretation report

We leverage psychometric tests and look at them through a novel human behavioural and social scientific lens.

Psychometric assessments are the best predictor of job performance. Improve your decision-making with objective data. It’s a more scientific approach than a typical interview.

It can bolster face-to-face interviews as you have access to underlying information. You can ask the right questions to assess the person in the interview. Evaluate the candidate based on what is required for the position rather than their interview skills.

Save time and cost across the recruitment process and highlight candidates’ abilities rather than just experience and education.

Think out of the Box!

We conduct extensive integrity and ethical behavioural tests at different levels in the work environment.

Combining and integrating Psychometric assessment with manifested behaviour over the years is the best and most fair process for the candidates and the employer.

This powerful combination will help you make the best decisions based on the relevant data.

Download the brochure to learn more about Psychometric tests and how EmployInsight work to help you succeed.