Pre Employment Screening Services
Background Screening
Fact: The cost of appointing the wrong candidate to a position far outweighs the cost of comprehensive background screening.
Conducting pre employment screening services and comprehensive background checks on candidates is critical for two main reasons:
- To determine if the information on curricula vitae (CVs) is questionable, and
- Because of the proven financial losses institutions incur due to ‘bad hires.’
CVs alone are questionable
Because it’s essential, EmployInsight follows an uncompromisingly meticulous and thorough approach to every background screening profile we compile. We look at this information through a unique social and human behavioural science filter, which may produce dramatically different results.
Background Screening Tools
Subject to requirement, EmployInsight can provide both employers and recruitment agencies with various bespoke solutions for verification of information, psychometric testing, and conducting background reference checks. The company can use this range of pre employment screening services and solutions for candidate and employee profiling.
We also offer the solutions individually:
- Reference screening
- Comprehensive work enquiries
- CV Verifications
- Work history verification
- Verifications of qualifications
- Criminal status screening
- Credit status screening
Integrated Report
You’ll receive all the information in one integrated report. The report includes possible red flags, strengths, development areas and a conclusion. We remove the guesswork by highlighting possible human risk behaviour. The conclusion consists of our professional insight to enable you, the client, to make an informed decision.
Psychometric Testing – Part of Our Pre Employment Screening Services
Be sure of your employee’s integrity
To swiftly adapt to continual uncertainty, you must work with people you can count on, with the utmost certainty
- Our methodology is applicable and enables cross-functionality on various levels.
- Levels include apprenticeships, learnerships, graduates, entry-level positions, operational specialists, and the various managerial levels.
- We align Assessment reports to role-specific functions and competencies.
- Address the business need in the assessment and the resulting report, for example:
- assessment selection,
- learnership assessments, or
- potential candidates for a succession plan.
Psychometric Assessment Tools
Employinsight offers a basket of psychometric assessment tools in the following categories. Our psychometrist interprets the tests.
A psychometric assessment is a powerful tool for human and pre-employment screening purposes. It can also help you better understand your employees and co-workers, thereby supporting them to function optimally. The following provides a synopsis of how it can empower institutions to work effectively:
- Build resilience
- Reduce stress and enhance productivity
- Counteract losses, and ensure optimal business gains
- Boost your people and thereby boost your bottom line
Verification Services
EmployInsight strives to provide real insight, not just information. For this reason, our pre employment screening services dig deeper and look further when doing verifications than you might expect. Going the extra mile is our idea of service excellence.
EmployInsight has access to a variety of databases to assist employers with verifying several documents and statuses, as listed below:
- Criminal Check
- Credit Check
- Qualification Verification
- ID Verifications
- Social Media Screening
Risk and Compliance
Due Diligence
Corporate due diligence and compliance are known as third-party or supplier screening. Conducting comprehensive background screening of suppliers and third parties minimises the risk of conspiracy and fraud in a supply chain process.
We include the following actions in our compliance process:
- Company Checks
- Deed Search
- Company World check
- Directorship checks
- B-BBEE Certificate Verification
- SARS Verification etc.
INSIGHTS Screening Database
We offer a technology platform and database, INSIGHTS, for pre-and post-employment background screening. Our new web-based system assists clients in applying a systematic and consistent process to mitigate human risk and reduce corruption, fraud, and theft.
Polygraph & Forensic Investigations
Lay a Cornerstone of Trust
Polygraph examinations detect lies and determine truthfulness, the cornerstone of trust.
EmployInsight facilitates polygraph examinations in collaboration with recognised polygraph institutions. We adhere to the Constitution of South Africa when testing individuals. Our testing meets the Regulations, Standards of Practice and Code of Conduct of the Polygraph Examiners Association International (PEAI), American Polygraph Association and the Southern African Polygraph Federation.
What are polygraph tests used for?
- Periodic Screening on Employees
- Pre-employment screening
- Specific Issue Examinations
- Disciplinary Examinations
- Infidelity Examinations
Frequently asked Questions – Pre Employment Screening Services
How do I know if I am hiring people with integrity?
There are a few things that should happen in the recruitment process.
Firstly, the organisation’s values should be included in the job advertisement, which should state that only candidates who can see themselves living up to the values need apply. Once applications have been received, an integrity screening should be performed. EmployInsight offers integrity screening tools and psychometric tests that will ensure that only candidates with integrity are shortlisted.
In the interview phase, specific values-based questions should also be asked. EmployInsight can assist HR with formulating these questions.
In addition, a thorough pre-employment screening and vetting process should be followed to ensure that all information the candidate presents is accurate, true and complete.
Once someone has been employed it is vital that they receive ethics training during induction, and thereafter at regular intervals.
We are a small company where we all know each other and what is expected of us. Is it still necessary for us to have a Code of Ethics?
It is highly recommended, yes. If an inclusive process is used to formulate the Code of Ethics or Value Statement it will give employees the opportunity to align their aspirations and expectations. This could enhance staff solidarity and morale and reduce conflict and misconduct.
While a small company’s values come into existence organically, a formal process of writing the values down and explaining what is required to live up to the values will certainly contribute to a stronger foundation for future growth.
What is the most effective way to ensure a strong ethical organisational culture?
The single most important thing any organisation can do is to hire the right people: People with the necessary skills and integrity.
Thereafter, a dynamic ethics management programme, which includes training, should be put in place and regularly reviewed and updated.
The Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct plays an integral role in building a united ethical culture.
What is the point of having a Code of Ethics or a Code of Conduct?
The Code could be just another policy in a jungle of other policies, or it can be the single most influential policy document in an organisation. To achieve the latter, an inclusive approach should be taken to developing the Code of Ethics, so that employees will feel empowered in the organisation and proud to work for the organisation. This exercise can boost company morale by creating a common vision of the character of your company.
If the Code of Conduct is specific enough, it will help employees make tough decisions, deal correctly with conflicts of interest, and provide a consistent and fair guideline of expectations which can be used in disciplinary procedures or performance evaluations.
For maximum effectiveness, the Code should exert a guiding influence over all other policies as well. If created, communicated and implemented correctly, a good Code of Ethics offers many benefits, including proactive human risk management.