About Employ Insight

We serve clients internationally. Ethics, competency and resilience know no borders.

Who We Are

Erna and Mariette, the owners of EmployInsight, were previously connected to Integra and IPAC. Employ Insight is a B–BEE Level 1, woman-owned company.

We have more than a quarter of a century of experience achieving success in this field. Our roots are firmly planted in background screening and assessment for high-risk, high-profile positions. We assist businesses to minimise the inherent human risk and, as a result, minimise business risk.

You can learn more about Erna Penning and Mariette Barends on LinkedIn.

Our Process at Employ Insight

We’re the first Background Screening Company in South Africa to integrate Pre-Employment screening and Psychometric assessments in a holistic report. Employ Insight compiles a holistic profile of a candidate’s past and current behaviour and performance.

We combine pre-employment screening with psychometric tests to get a 360 view. We provide a holistic report to predict the candidate’s future behaviour, integrity, and performance. Our cutting-edge approach is also a proactive step in mitigating corruption, fraud, and bribery.

Don’t build a business. Build your people, and they will build the business.

Psychometric Assessments and Screening Success Stories

'The Fraudster' Profile

We researched and developed a profile of a fraudster in South Africa in collaboration with Absa, the University of South Africa (UNISA) and the Department of Correctional Services (DCS). We can identify fraudsters with Employ Insight’s in-depth, holistic background screening process.

After the research, we update the fraudster’s profile with international research in other countries. This profile significantly contributes to the fight against fraud and financial crime here and abroad.

Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) Screening

We were honoured to effectively conduct integrity assessments on the first recruits of the IEC in 1996. Subsequently, we continued to render services to them over the years, and due to an impeccable track record, the IEC remains an Employ Insight client.

Integrity Assessments at 3 of South Africa's largest banks

We collectively conducted integrity assessments at the three biggest South African Banks – Absa, First National Bank and Standard Bank – over 15 years.

Conducting Integrity Tests for the South African Police Service (SAPS)

Conducting integrity tests for the South African Police Service (SAPS). We assisted SAPS with completing 5,000 integrity tests nationally, all during a single day.

International Pre-employment Screening and Psychometric Tests

Over the years, we have conducted pre-employment screening and psychometric tests in Botswana, Nigeria, Namibia, Kenya, Zambia, Mozambique, DRC, Egypt, Tanzania, Ghana, Canada, and the UK.

Launching the INSIGHTS pre-employment screening platform and database

We successfully launched a technology platform and database, INSIGHTS, for pre-employment and post-employment background screening in 2020. Our web-based system assists clients in applying a systematic and consistent process to mitigate human risk, corruption, fraud, and theft.
Click Here for More Info

Who We Work With

The Code Group
PB Verify
Lexis Nexis
Integrity International
CSI Africa