Detailed Candidate Verification Services

We offer several verification services that help you build a more robust business.

Credit Record Checks

We use several databases

EmployInsight has access to various databases to assist employers with verifying several documents and statuses.

Typically, companies receive credit records without any form of analysis or recommendation. At EmployInsight, we know that nothing is as it appears at face value. Based on our insights and experience, we interpret the relevant credit information and place it into perspective.

How to interpret a credit record

Having a Credit Record is not necessarily a negative in applying for a job.

A ‘clear’ credit report could, for example, contain negative information or signs of potential risk behaviour. For this reason, we include an interpretation containing our professional observations and recommendations when integrating the information.

In our integrated reports we ensure context:

  • We clarify why the debt was increased,
  • give updates on debt servicing, and
  • secure official documentation to prove that the debt is handled in a responsible manner
HR manager reviewing an Employ Insight's candidate Verification Services

Criminal Record Checks

HR manager reading a Verification Services report to check for criminal records

Previous Conviction Enquiries, known as Criminal Record Checks, are only the starting point of Background Screening. Although essential to know whether a prospective or current employee has a criminal record or not, it isn’t the answer concerning competencies, cognitive ability, or ethics in the world of work. We determine a candidate’s prior convictions or criminal record status with the South African Police Service (SAPS) via Afiswitch.

Fingerprint Checking

EmployInsight is a data reseller for Afiswitch, and we can conduct these checks by capturing digital fingerprints and checking them against the AFIS database. We do the fingerprinting through our integrated system, INSIGHTS. We have a national footprint where candidates can get their prints captured if the client does not have their own devices.

Why do I need a criminal record check?

Get as much information about your candidate as possible to make an informed decision.

  • Know your candidate
  • Decrease risks such as liability and potential loss of reputation
  • Comply with industry and company norms and regulations

How it works

Subject to the priority of a criminal check, there are three verification services and options available:

  • Standard: results within 48 hours
  • Premium: results within 6 hours
  • Priority: results within 90 minutes

When an officer at a SAPS station captures ink fingerprints, courier them to us to be processed manually.

In addition, we have access to an extended national footprint that can deliver on the abovementioned.

  • You don’t need an appointment, and
  • There is no additional cost for the candidate.

Fingerprint Resubmissions

Resubmit the fingerprints when the client requires an update.

  • We send a downloadable PDF report. The results will indicate whether the candidate has a ‘possible illicit’ or ‘no illicit’ record.
  • A SAPS69 report contains details regarding the ‘possible illicit’ status. It indicates the candidate’s history of criminal convictions and/or any pending cases.
  • We include the downloadable certificate and the SAPS69 record in our price structure.

Additional Criminal Checks

We facilitate the following on request:

  • Criminal record expungement for criminal records older than ten years
Report on whether a candidate has the actual qualification they state

Qualification Verification Services

EmployInsight has access to various databases to assist employers with verifying all qualifications.

  • Verify Grade 12 Verifications directly with Umalusi.
  • Verify Matric and all Tertiary and Secondary academic qualifications the candidate holds from registered Local/African and International institutions.

The EmployInsight report includes the dates issued and confirmation of results. We will clarify if there is any information that does not correlate with the candidate’s information on different platforms.

Identity Verification Services

Verification Services to confirm candidate identity by Employ Insight

ID Verification

Authenticate prospective employees’ and business partners’ identities. Validate an individual’s ID by calculating the check digit. We extract the date-of-birth, gender, citizenship, sequence, and other information. The Home Affairs ID Verification will provide registered details on an individual with a SA ID number.

Passport Verification

EmployInsight verifies passports with the Department of Immigration South Africa. If the passport number does not appear on the Department’s database, a ‘No Match’ result is issued, which means they cannot trace the passport details on their database. The information on the passport will then be subjected to MRZ passport validation to try to verify it. We issue a report of passport validity after verification.

Work Permit Verification

The Department of Home Affairs issue work permits to foreigners with general qualifications who intend to work in South Africa. General work permits are valid for the duration of the contract of employment.

In addition, we can verify the following:

  • Citizenship Verification
  • Permanent Residency
  • PSIRA Check
  • Deeds Search
  • Driver’s License and PDP
  • Accident History
  • Principle Trace
  • Directorship Verification
  • FAIS
  • Memberships, and more.

Social Media Verification Sevices

Verification check to ensure appropriate social media behaviour

Social Media checks form part of the holistic screening process

Employinsight screen behaviours on Social Media and integrate it with the rest of our holistic screening process. Social Media screening has become imperative as more than half of the world’s population is on social media, according to a recent CareerBuilder survey. Social Media profiles present a wealth of information on candidates. We can use this information to do an official analysis to identify a candidate’s personality, career, and lifestyle.

Detect negative behaviour that might hurt your brand

We structure the comprehensive social media checks around several assessed, scored and reported elements. Social media screening is a highly suitable verification service to detect negative behaviour that can damage a business or brand, including racism, homophobism, sexism, substance abuse, an unprofessional image or the use of foul language.

Social media misconduct by employees can present the following risks to employers:

  • Harassment or discrimination claims
  • Reputation damage
  • IT System and Software damage
  • Company protests/ boycotts etc.
  • Unfair dismissal claims
  • Loafing and Poaching
  • Loss of intellectual property
  • Delictual or contractual claims for damages

Frequently asked Questions of Our Verfification Services

What is a Criminal Record Check?

Determine a candidate’s criminal record status with the South African Police Service (SAPS) via Name Clearance Database or Afiswitch.

EmployInsight is a reseller of data from Afiswitch and we can do Criminal Record Checks in two different ways, either through fingerprints with our Insights system or with a candidate’s ID number.

We can take either electronic prints or a set of ink fingerprints which are then processed through EmployInsight’s online verification services system. Results are available within 90 minutes (Priority option) to 48 hours (Standard option).

Criminal Record Check with ID number:
We can also manually verify the criminal status of a candidate by means of an ID number against an operational SAPS database reflecting criminal details. Results are available on the same day.

Fingerprinting: What is the difference between Criminal Record Verification and Police Clearance?

Fingerprints are captured electronically with an MSO scanner, delivering a validated search on the South African Police Service (SAPS) database. Our online system is directly linked to the Afiswitch Fingerprint System. We also have the ability to take ink fingerprints upon request.

All results will be indicated as either GREEN – no criminal record/no illicit activity or RED – a criminal record/possible illicit activity. SAP69 is available with detail on the crimes or convictions.

With the fingerprint result, a SAPS certificate will also be issued to confirm the validity thereof.

Can a Criminal Record be Expunged? How?

Yes. Expungement of a criminal record is a process by which a criminal record of a convicted offender is removed from the criminal record database of the Criminal Record Centre of SAPS. This ensures that an individual can apply for a job without his/her old criminal record obstructing their employment opportunity.

Individuals can apply to have their criminal record expunged when:

  • a period of 10 years has passed after the date of the conviction for that offence;
  • you have not been convicted and sentenced to a period of imprisonment without the option of a fine during those 10 years; and
  • the sentence was for any of the following:
    • corporal punishment;
    • the sentence was postponed, or the individual was discharged;
    • fine not exceeding R20 000*;
    • imprisonment with the option to pay a fine instead of serving the period of imprisonment; or
    • imprisonment was suspended wholly.

If you qualify EmployInsight can assist you with clearing your criminal record by applying for the expungement thereof.

What does a Verification of Education/Qualification Check comprise of?

Matric Qualification – UMALUSI

  • Verify Matric (Grade 12) qualification(s) held by the candidate.

Tertiary and Secondary Academic Qualifications as well as NQF qualifications

  • Verify the candidate’s tertiary and secondary academic qualifications from registered local/African and international institutions.

The EmployInsight verification services report includes the dates issued and confirmation of results.